
Offers makes the implementation and management of offers in our games an predictable and scalable task.

Used to sell special packs of the game’s items. Offers helps doing A/B testing, remote configurations of offers, scheduling and monitoring.


  • Create Offers - Create a template with information about a game’s offer: what it gives to the player, when it is enabled, how many times a player can see and buy it;
  • Get Available Offers - Given a player and a game, returns the available offers for each placement in the UI;
  • New Relic Support - Natively support new relic with segments in each API route for easy detection of bottlenecks;


Offers is composed of an API responsible for creation of games and templates, and retrieval of offers for each player.

The Stack

Our code is in Golang, with:

  • Database - Postgres >= 9.5;

Who’s Using it

Well, right now, only us at TFG Co, are using it, but it would be great to get a community around the project. Hope to hear from you guys soon!

How To Contribute?

Just the usual: Fork, Hack, Pull Request. Rinse and Repeat. Also don’t forget to include tests and docs (we are very fond of both).